Operations Laser




Astigmatism is an anomaly in the vertical and horizontal curvature of the cornea, resulting in blurred vision in one axis and sharp vision in the other. The image of objects does not form exactly on the retina, and the shape of the cornea disturbs focusing.

Before any laser eye surgery, a complete ophthalmological check-up is mandatory.

Astigmatism surgery
Purpose of astigmatism surgery



Purpose of the operation


To correct astigmatism, the technique involves sculpting the cornea to restore a balance between the curvature of the vertical and horizontal axes. The treatment of myopia or hyperopia can be combined in the same operation.



  • Quick, painless operation
  • Local anesthesia
  • Very rapid visual recovery (a few hours)

Before any laser eye surgery, a complete ophthalmological check-up is mandatory.

Purpose of astigmatism surgery

Operation sequence


The operation

Before any laser eye surgery, a complete ophthalmological check-up is mandatory.

Preoperative examination :

Prior to the operation, a full assessment of your ocular condition is carried out to determine your eligibility.

Surgical planning :

The ophthalmologist will explain the surgical procedure.

Laser operation:

The operation involves sculpting the cornea to restore a balance between the curvature of the vertical and horizontal axes.

Post-operative follow-up :

Post-operative follow-up involves monitoring results and adjusting treatment if necessary.

Our specialists


Our team of experts in FMH Ophthalmology
and Ophthalmic Surgery FMH


Discover our experienced ophthalmologists



Marouen Berguiga

Specialist FMH
in Ophthalmology
and Ophthalmic Surgery

Eye diseases

  • Treatment of visual disorders in children and adults

Anterior segment surgery

  • Cataract surgery
  • Glaucoma surgery
  • Refractive surgery
  • Corneal transplant
  • Oculoplastic surgery
  • Management of keratoconus
  • Intravitreal injections

Medical retinal treatment


Languages spoken :

French, English, Italian, Arabic



Horace Massa

Specialist FMH
in Ophthalmology
and Ophthalmic Surgery

Eye diseases

  • Treatment of visual disorders in children and adults

Anterior segment surgery

  • Cataract surgery
  • Glaucoma surgery
  • Refractive surgery
  • Corneal transplant
  • Oculoplastic surgery
  • Management of keratoconus
  • Intravitreal injections

Medical retinal treatment


Languages spoken :

French, English, German, Italian



Khaled Romdhane

Specialist FMH
in Ophthalmology
and Ophthalmic Surgery

Eye diseases

  • Treatment of visual disorders
  • Pediatric consultation
  • Management of retinal diseases
  • Management of glaucoma diseases

Anterior segment surgery

  • Cataract surgery
  • Refractive surgery
  • Intravitreal injections

Medical retinal treatment


Languages spoken :

French, English, Arabic

Docteur Augustina Grigaite


Augustina Grigaite

Specialist FMH
in Ophthalmology
and Ophthalmic Surgery

Eye diseases

  • Treatment of visual disorders in adults

Anterior segment surgery

  • Cataract surgery
  • Refractive surgery


Languages spoken :

French, English, German, Italian, Russian, Lithuanian


Mohamed Aref

FMH Specialist
in Ophthalmology
and Ophthalmic Surgery

Eye Diseases

  • Treatment of visual disorders in children and adults

Anterior Segment Surgery

  • Cataract surgery
  • Glaucoma surgery
  • Refractive surgery
  • Oculoplastic surgery
  • Intravitreal injection

Medical Retina Treatment


Languages Spoken:

French, English, Arabic

Vision Future Switzerland


Our prices


For patients residing in Switzerland, and on presentation of a valid Swiss insurance card, invoices will be sent to you by the Caisse des Médecins.


In all other cases, for cross-border patients or patients covered by international insurance, payment will be required on site, and receipted invoices will be issued.


(with or without astigmatism)

Price per eye
Technique: PKR or FemtoLasik

From CHF 49/month *
*36-month 0% financing with ®HeyLight, no handling fees. Other financing options available in 6, 12, 24 or 36 months.

Included in our rates:

  • Your care at the clinic
  • Preparation and surgery
  • Post-operative follow-up

Before any laser eye surgery, a complete ophthalmological check-up is mandatory.

Make an appointment at the clinic


In case of emergency, please contact us directly on  022 365 18 80

Before any laser eye surgery, a complete ophthalmological check-up is mandatory.



Some quick answers to your questions

What are the most common symptoms of astigmatism?
In most cases, vision is blurred in one axis and sharp in the other. The patient may have a tendency to confuse certain letters that look alike, such as the P and the F, or the H and the M. Visual fatigue and headaches may also occur.
What is the main cause of astigmatism?

The main cause is corneal deformation. In fact, its curvature is irregular: oval instead of rounded. The image of objects does not form exactly on the retina, and the shape of the cornea disturbs focusing.

How long does laser surgery for astigmatism last?

Laser time is just a few minutes. With preparation time and post-operative check-up, you'll be at Vision Future for just one hour.